Second Chance Read online

Page 6

  She looked down to where the boy had stood only seconds before, but he was gone, vanishing without another word. It was then she realized they had finally arrived, the ones that James had been warned about.

  “I won’t let you have him!” she screamed.

  The trio stopped dead in their track, frozen in place. Hannah watched them, unsure what they were waiting for.

  “It is not he who we come for,” one of the men hissed. “It is your soul we have come to collect.”

  Hannah felt terror grip her heart as the men began their march once again. Standing up quickly, she turned and began to run back towards the safety of her flat, unnatural silence following close behind her. She listened for their footsteps, but there were none. They didn’t make a sound as they followed.

  The door to her apartments was just ahead, the welcoming lamplight glowing in the shadows. The light flickered, the bulb erupting, showering sparks as a form materialized before her door.

  The man grew from the shadows, lunging for her, narrowly missing as Hannah dodged to the side. She screamed, turning back the way she had come, only to find it blocked by the remaining two men. They stood like statues in the street, barring her escape, cold and emotionless eyes fixed on her.

  Each of the men were shrouded in shadows, their dark clothing morphing with their bodies. Their faces seemed to change, flickering from one expression, and transforming into another, within the blink of an eye.

  The temperature began to dip as she felt the third man approach her from behind. She couldn’t hear him, but she knew he was there, his darkness weighing heavily upon her.

  She wanted to scream, to run, but she was frozen, her own terror gluing her to the spot. There was no escaping these men. They were unnatural, born of darkness, come to take her away.

  As cold hands wrapped around her throat, all Hannah could feel was regret—regret for not admitting to James how she felt earlier. Now, as the cold consumed her, she knew she would never see his face again.

  Chapter Seventeen


  James tore back along the street, racing towards Hannah’s flat. He could feel something evil in the area, something horrid and vile. He didn’t know what it was, but he knew Hannah needed him.

  He passed back the way he came, ignoring those around him. Nothing mattered now, only Hannah.

  The boy had been terrified as he had warned James. He had seen that same fear in the eyes of the old woman as she stared at something invisible in her house. He should have known then that something was wrong; he should have picked up on it earlier.

  Memories assailed him from the night Claire died. Those same thoughts he had then came flooding back to him. He had known better, his instincts screaming out to him that she was in danger, but he had still let her die. Now he was in the same situation, ignoring his senses, and Hannah was in danger because of that.

  He had cursed himself then, swearing that he would never let anyone come to harm because of his foolishness, but here he was again, faced with a similar disaster. All that mattered now was that he reached Hannah; he had to protect her from whatever was coming.

  A scream pierced the air somewhere in the direction of Hannah’s flat. He knew from the terror in her voice that he was already too late—they had already found her.

  Clearing his mind, he concentrated on seeing his destination in his mind’s eye. He had never really focused on taking advantage of being a ghost, but now seemed like the perfect time to try.

  Seconds later, he materialized in the street in front of Hannah’s flat, finding it empty. Broken glass lay shattered in front of the door to her apartments, the lamp smashed by something.

  Looking around, he scanned the shadows, searching for a clue. He knew she had to be nearby, that she couldn’t have gone far.

  A muffled cry caught his attention. His head snapped up in the direction of the noise, his eyes fixing on a small alley across the street.

  Without a second thought, he raced towards it, entering the dark path, his eyes adjusting slowly to the gloom, shadows seeping in around him.

  Ahead, he could make out the forms of three men, one holding Hannah tight against him. They were all obscured by the shadows, darkness hiding their faces as they turned to look at him. Glowing, yellow eyes peered out from the man who held Hannah, a small, silver blade clutched in his hand, pressing against Hannah’s throat.

  “Leave us now,” the man hissed, his voice commanding.

  James watched cautiously as two of the men broke away from the struggle, slinking towards him like jackals. They were hunched low, creeping slowly, their dead eyes fixed on him.

  “Let her go,” James ordered, fighting back the fear he felt rising within him.

  The man with the knife began to laugh, his voice thundering through the alley, his laughter echoing off the walls around them.

  “You are in no place to give orders here, spirit,” the man called out. “We are here to fix what you broke—repair the pattern.”

  James shook his head, taking a step towards them. The two men approaching him stopped, freezing into place as he drew closer.

  Their forms seemed to blur, becoming one with the darkness, and then reappearing a moment later.

  “I can’t let you do that,” he said, his voice more confident than he felt. “Now, let her go.”

  “You realize that when we take her life, you will both be able to crossover and find peace?” the man asked. “If you fight us, we will be forced to destroy you. To die here is to lose your soul. You will be wiped from existence, sentenced to an eternity in the void.”

  Shuddering, he still took another step towards the men. He no longer cared about himself; all he cared about was Hannah. He had saved her once before, and he would save her again—no matter the risk to his soul.

  “I won’t let you hurt her,” James yelled, charging at the men before his courage could fade.

  His legs carried him forward, but he was not fast enough. The two men who were creeping towards him sprung, like shadows come alive. They latched onto him, their strength incredible, taking him captive within moments, their icy fingers digging into his arms, restraining him.

  James struggled against them, but it was no use. They were too strong, dragging him towards the man who held Hannah, forcing him to his knees.

  He looked up into the man’s burning eyes and felt his courage melt away. Those eyes shone like a furnace, evil and malevolent. The darkness split, revealing rows of sharp, white teeth that formed a cruel smile.

  Without any warning, the man lashed out with his dagger, plunging the blade into Hannah’s stomach. The girl cried out against the shadow’s hand, her body going limp as her strength fled from her.

  James watched helplessly as the monster released Hannah from his grip, allowing the girl to collapse to the ground. He fought to get free, to go to her aid, but it was no use. He was trapped.

  “You were a fool to defy me,” the man growled, taking a step towards James.

  His eyes were fixed on the bloody blade gripped tight in the shadowy hand. He had been too late, too weak. Hannah lay bleeding to death on the floor, and his own life would soon be over. Once again, he had failed, letting the woman he loved die.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The men released their iron grip from James, allowing him to crawl to where Hannah lay. He reached out, desperately trying to apply pressure to the wound in her stomach, but his hands passed uselessly through her.

  Glaring up at the man with flames for eyes, his anger burned within him. He was no use to Hannah. She needed help, but he was unable to provide it.

  “Why are you doing this?” James demanded, his voice choked with tears.

  The man just stared at him, offering no answer. Instead, he looked to the other two men, nodding his head at James, giving the order to kill him.

  James looked down at Hannah, who was now unconscious, tears forming in his eyes as the men approached him.

I love you,” he whispered, taking his last moments on earth to admit the truth to her.

  He closed his eyes, waiting for the end to come, hoping that it would be quick and painless. Darkness awaited him now, nothing more. He had tried to save Hannah, gambling his soul, losing to these cruel spirits.

  A bright light lit the alley, piercing James’ closed eyelids. He opened his eyes, turning to face the direction it came from, watching as the two shadowed forms were struck down.

  A group of men and women charged forward, their white clothing glowing brightly, fighting back the darkness around them. James’ jaw hung open as he watched the skirmish, the man with flames for eyes lunging towards the group, screaming in defiance.

  The fight was short but brutal. The shadow moved with tremendous strength and speed, throwing back any that attacked him. However, strength of numbers was against him, pushing him back and forcing him to flee.

  Relief flooded through James as he watched the shadow vanish, disappearing from sight, but it was short-lived, his eyes once again fixing on Hannah’s broken form.

  He stared down at the woman he loved, trying once again to press his hands against her wound. It was no use. He was no use.

  “Please,” he begged, looking up at the men and women around him. “You have to help her.”

  An elderly man stepped forward, his silver hair framing his face, deep green eyes holding the young man’s stare.

  “That is not our place, I am afraid,” the man said, his voice apologetic.

  James looked from the man and back to Hannah, his heart breaking. He had come so close to saving her, this group arriving just in time, but it was still no use.

  “It can’t be her time,” James cried, sobbing freely. “She is a good person, a kind person.”

  “There are many who believe it is her time, that to allow her to live will save too many lives,” the man explained. “This girl is destined for great things. She will save hundreds of thousands of lives one day if she is allowed to live, and that is why so many have fought to end her life.”

  James looked up at the man, confused. He didn’t understand.

  “You risked not only your life for this woman, but your soul. If you had died here tonight, then you would have been lost forever, taken by the shadow. We are here to give you a second chance, a chance to save her once and for all.”

  “How? I’ll do anything!” James said, hope burning within him.

  The man nodded slowly, looking to those around him. He looked back to James, placing a warm hand on the man’s chest.

  “In exchange for your second chance, you must protect this girl, love her, and cherish her through the storms that are coming,” the man explained. “This will not be easy, and you will face challenges unlike any you can imagine. Do you accept this price?”

  James nodded, not even needing to consider the consequences. “I do.”

  “Very well,” the man replied. “I hope that our faith in you is not misplaced.”

  Without another word, the man slammed his open palm hard against James’ chest, causing an eruption of warmth to spread through the young man’s body. He fell backwards, clutching at his chest as his heart began to beat, a surge of adrenaline running through him.

  The group vanished, leaving him alone with Hannah. He looked at the girl, reaching out, his hands no longer passing through her. The warmth of her body was fading. He was running out of time.

  Chapter Nineteen


  She opened her eyes to the blinding light, her stomach aching as she regained consciousness. Once again, she lay on a hospital bed, having recovered from her second near-death experience.

  As she lay there, she fought to remember what happened. She remembered her argument with James, how she had pushed him into opening up, and how he had stormed off. She remembered going out to find him but instead, she had found terror.

  The blade had cut into her, threatening to steal her life away, but worst of all, James had fought to help her, risking his soul. At that moment, panic set in, fear that James hadn’t made it.

  She tried to sit up, but her body was weak, her energy lost. Looking to her side, she saw him sat beside her, slumped in the armchair by her bedside.

  “James?” she whispered, trying to get his attention.

  Slowly, James opened his eyes, smiling as he saw her. The look on his face melted away all of her fears, filling her with happiness.

  “Hey you,” he whispered. “You had me worried for a while back there.”

  Hannah could feel the tears welling up. She thought she might have lost him, that she would never get to see him again, but there he was, safe and sound.

  “You’re beginning to make quite a habit of this, Miss Belkin,” a man’s voice said from the other side of the room.

  Hannah turned slowly to face the doctor who stood in the entrance to her room. The same man who had seen to her after James had saved her stood in the doorway, smiling at her.

  “I know,” she replied weakly, smiling back. “I guess I need to thank my guardian angel.”

  The doctor smiled, nodding towards James. “If he hadn’t found you when he did, then it would have been too late. James saved your life.”

  Hannah’s eyes went wide with shock as she looked from the doctor to James, who was grinning like a child at Christmas.

  “By the way, James. Have we met before? You look familiar.”

  “I don’t think so,” James replied, shaking his head. “I must just have one of those faces.”

  Hannah watched as the doctor disappeared into the hall, leaving the pair alone. “What?” Hannah whispered, waiting to make sure her doctor was gone before she continued. “How?”

  James slid from his chair and sat on the bed beside Hannah. She could feel the warmth of his body, the cool touch of his hand as his fingers wrapped between her own.

  She stared up at him, holding his gaze as he leaned forward to kiss her lightly on her lips. Her heart pounded in her chest, tears falling free as her happiness overwhelmed her. He was alive. He was real.

  “They gave me a second chance,” he explained, his nose only inches from hers. “They gave me a chance to finally hold you.”

  Once again, he kissed her, chasing away all of her pain and fears. She had thought she would never get this chance, never get the opportunity to be happy with him, but that had all changed now.

  “What next? Why?” she asked, so many questions burning on the tip of her tongue.

  James smiled at her; one of his reassuring smiles that told her everything was going to be okay.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he answered. “So long as I have you, nothing matters. I love you, Hannah. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you that before, I was just so scared.”

  Hannah smiled back, giggling to herself, squeezing his hand in her own.

  “I love you too, James,” she whispered. “I was terrified I lost you, that I’d never get to tell you that.”

  “You never have to be scared again,” he said. “I’ll be by your side forever.”

  They lay together, arms wrapped around one another, savoring their first moments. As she lay there, she could feel his heart beating against her, a sign that he really was alive. Everything she ever could have wished for had come to life, all of her hopes and dreams falling into place.

  They had been granted a second chance to live, a second chance to find happiness in each other’s arms, and she intended to live every minute as though it were her last.